Curriculum Solutions for All Students
Unlock the Reading Potential in Every Child
We know students vary in their reading proficiencies. We also know they require individualized and differentiated instruction to be successful. Lexia® Core5® Reading is an Adaptive Blended Learning program that accelerates the development of literacy skills for all students, helping them build skills in both word recognition and comprehension to support reading success. Organized around six critical areas of reading—phonological awareness, phonics, structural analysis, automaticity/fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension—Core5 is research-proven to accelerate literacy learning for students of all abilities.
Representation and Speaking Practice Matter
Learning to read in a new language has added complexity. The key to supporting Emergent Bilingual students, also known as Multilingual or English Language Learners, is to blend language learning with subject knowledge while focusing on oral language development and grammar. Lexia English Language Development™ is a state-of-the-art, Adaptive Blended Learning program that supports Emergent Bilingual students' English language acquisition through academic conversations. The program incorporates culturally responsive pedagogies that support individualized learning paths for each learner.
Literacy Solutions Tailored to Adolescents
Adolescents excel when provided with learning experiences that are age-appropriate and address their individual learning goals. Lexia® PowerUp Literacy® supports students in grades 6–12 who are at risk of not meeting College- and Career-Ready Standards. Proven to be up to five times as effective as the average middle-school reading intervention, PowerUp enables students to make multiple years of growth in a single academic year. PowerUp’s engaging grade-level texts motivate students while saving educators time by providing data to identify gaps in skill level and create action plans to deliver the right instruction.
Core5 is proven to be over 2.5x more effective than other elementary reading programs.

Emergent Bilingual students using Lexia English achieved significantly higher outcomes on state language assessments vs. nonusers.