This infographic summarizes key insights from recent research about multilingualism and language learning. Understanding these concepts can help you better support your bilingual and multilingual students, fostering a more inclusive and effective learning environment.
Read on to explore how language acquisition impacts the brain and academic success.
Brain adaptability
The brain shows remarkable plasticity when learning languages. It adapts both functionally and structurally to accommodate new linguistic knowledge.
- Functional changes are seen within two weeks
- Structural changes are seen with intensive learning
- The brain has different areas for speech and reading

Importance of language exposure
The environment plays a crucial role in language acquisition. Both the quantity and quality of language input significantly impact learning outcomes.
- Quality and quantity of exposure are crucial
- Consistent practice is essential to accurate language acquisition
Studies have consistently shown that the amount of linguistic input and exposure matters greatly for language learning.”
– Dr. Gigi Luk, Professor, Educational and Counseling Psychology, McGill University
Oral language development in the classroom
Developing strong oral language skills is fundamental to overall language proficiency and is a foundation for literacy development.
- Model complete sentences rather than fragments
- Structured practice opportunities for speaking
- Use visual supports to connect language to tangible and objective objects
Conversations, dialogs, social exchanges, provide learners with opportunities to practice and refine their language skills.”
– Dr. Gigi Luk, Professor, Educational and Counseling Psychology, McGill University
Bilingualism myths debunked
Many misconceptions about bilingualism persist. Understanding the truth helps create more supportive learning environments for multilingual students.
- Doesn't delay development
- Doesn't reduce proficiency
- Doesn't hinder academics
Academic English
Proficiency in academic language is crucial for success in educational settings. It requires specific attention and strategies to develop effectively.
- Crucial for school success
- Focus on relevant vocabulary
- Multiple practice opportunities
How schools can support bilingualism
Educational institutions play a vital role in fostering bilingualism. Proper support and resources can significantly enhance language learning outcomes.
- High-quality exposure to multiple languages
- Specialized teachers who’ve trained in and understand language acquisition
- Support student language acquisition across subject areas
Science of reading
- Helps all children succeed, regardless of language background
- Emphasizes systematic instruction and support for oral language development

Lexia English impact
Lexia English Language Development™ has significantly impacted Emergent Bilinguals' language proficiency. During the 2023–2024 academic year:
- Emergent Bilinguals who used Lexia English out-performed non-users on language proficiency assessments (effect sizes for Lexia English ranged from 0.18 to 0.40)
- Students who used it as recommended made progress such that one in three students moved up a proficiency band
- 60% of time using Lexia English was spent in conversations
Students have many opportunities to practice their speaking and listening skills in English as well as use real-life situations to apply the grammar skills that they are learning. Students receive scaffolded support when needed. The visuals and stories/information are culturally relevant.”
– Lexia® Educator

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