With the rise of new learning gaps and the percentage of reading proficiency dropping each year (only 33% of fourth grade students and 31% of eighth grade students performed at or above Proficient in reading in 2022) educators are turning to the science of reading to support literacy in their schools. Representing more than 50 years of research collected by cognitive scientists and other experts, the science of reading tells us how we learn to read and how we can teach reading most effectively. Structured Literacy is the application of that research into practical classroom instruction and is proven to develop deep levels of comprehension all learners need to become proficient and confident readers.
95% of students can learn to read using the science of reading. But only 1/3 of students read proficiently.
(NAEP, 2022)

For four decades, Lexia® has been leading the science of reading revolution by providing science of reading-based professional learning, curriculum, and embedded assessment solutions that empower educational leaders to connect their teachers’ knowledge with practical, equitable classroom instruction and accelerate literacy gains.
With the right tools in the right hands, 95% of students can learn to read. This infographic features testimonials from some of the many district administrators, school leaders, and teachers who have experienced that powerful impact firsthand.

Lexia LETRS: Empowering Educators with the What, Why, and How of Literacy Learning
Lexia® LETRS® (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) Suite provides professional learning grounded in the science of reading that equips educators and administrators with the knowledge and skills they need to become literacy and language experts. Here’s what some LETRS users are saying about the positive changes they’ve witnessed in their schools:

“LETRS offers us an opportunity to create a common understanding of the process of learning how to read, and the scientific research that backs that process. LETRS training is giving our teachers a common vocabulary and understanding and also allowing us to have a universal lens to evaluate our current instructional practices and also to craft a forward plan with our new knowledge. The desire to improve our instructional practices is really woven throughout the culture of the school, and that is really due to the LETRS training.”
Claire Krock, Assistant Principal, Peabody Charter School, California
“Lexia LETRS gives us the resources we need to get the kids ready to do the work. If you want your teachers to get onboard and use it, it starts with the leaders…I did Lexia LETRS first myself because I would never expect our teachers to do something that I wouldn’t do, [and it] gave me the language I needed to be able to ‘talk the talk’ with them. With the science of reading as our guide, the sky is the limit for us.”
Jerry Collins, Ph.D., Principal, Central Elementary School, Alabama

Lexia Core5 Reading: Unlocking the Reading Potential in Every Child
Lexia® Core5® Reading leverages adaptive blended learning technology to help teachers provide personalized, science-based reading instruction to students of all abilities. Check out what some educators are saying about the difference Core5 has made in their lives—and the lives of their students:

“Before I had Lexia, it was difficult to pinpoint exactly where my students were without doing one-on-one testing that often took a lot of time. So, Lexia Core5 is a daily assessment, and you’ll be able to pinpoint exactly which skills your students are successful with and exactly what they need to work on, and you can target it really easily. It’s great for reporting to parents, to bring that data to IEP meetings and other conferences and conversations with colleagues, so I absolutely recommend Lexia—it just makes life so much easier.”
Jennifer Dines, Director of English Language Learning, Mildred Avenue K–8, Massachusetts
"I am a strong believer in using Lexia Core5 Reading to help students of all abilities build fundamental literacy skills. Struggling readers, especially English Language Learners, students with special needs, and students at risk, have benefited tremendously from using the program. One of my fifth grade bilingual teachers, with a class that is 75% bilingual, implemented Core5 with fidelity maximizing its potential. Her students achieved tremendous growth in their literacy skills, becoming better readers overall—and their STARR scores improved as a result.”
Jenifer Hansen, Principal, Horizon Heights Elementary School, Texas

“Lexia really was our gateway into Structured Literacy…I never dreamed that there would be acceleration support for kids like what we have now with Lexia…we can now get our hands on some great data pretty quickly utilizing the online programs that students are using consistently.”
Christine Cyporyn, Title I Coordinator, Waterford School District, Michigan

PowerUp Literacy: Literacy Solutions Tailored to Adolescents
Lexia® PowerUp Literacy® provides students in grades 6–12 with age-appropriate learning experiences that are tailored to their individual learning goals while allowing teachers access to powerful data they can use to further personalize instructional interventions. Read more about how PowerUp has helped educators dramatically accelerate student learning—especially when used in combination with Core5:

“I would indeed recommend Lexia PowerUp Literacy to any and all educators. Because it’s based in the science of reading, it provides evidence-based instruction to students, so that enables us to really make meaningful and lasting change. When students struggle to meet Common Core learning standards in reading, educators really benefit from using something that’s science based, based on data, provides us with a myriad of interventions that are already prepared and help us to really make timely decisions that influence that learning.”
Pamela Kosten, Learning Disabilities Teacher, River Dell Middle School, New Jersey
“It’s about being thoughtful and really knowing where your kids are and knowing what they’re doing…with Lexia [our teachers] don’t have to create the content themselves, they’re also not just letting the computer handle the instruction. In fact, Lexia has helped some instructors expand their own proficiency levels and how they teach certain skills in new ways.”
Kalyn SanJacinto, Principal, Carroll Peak Elementary School, Texas

The proven, equitable way to teach students to read is to base instruction on the science of reading. These school and district leaders make it clear: With the right resources, literacy acceleration is within reach.
Lexia is committed to developing the right resources to empower educational leaders to equip their teachers and students with the data, knowledge, and tools they need to make meaningful literacy gains. To learn more about how Lexia can help your school embrace Structured Literacy and the science of reading, check out our full portfolio.

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