Chicago Elementary School Gets Long-Term Benefits from Core5
At the start of each new school year, Jennifer O’Sullivan sets up the Lexia® Core5® Reading platform and begins encouraging teachers at Enrico Tonti Elementary School (Tonti) to start using the literacy program with their students.
“I remind them that first-time users have to take a placement test first,” said O’Sullivan, lead coach and literacy coordinator. “Once everyone is settled in, I switch over to motivating individual students and whole classes to get their Lexia® work done.”
Tonti began using Lexia’s products 10 years ago. At that point, O’Sullivan said Tonti’s reading scores were “just OK.”
Today, the school uses Core5 for grades K–5 and has become a Level 1+ school, which is one of the highest rankings for Chicago Public Schools’ rating system. “They did do away with that system and are now implementing a new one,” O’Sullivan said, “but that’s where we left off.”

Lexia flags students who are struggling and lets teachers know when it's time to pull students into a small group or one-on-one session for additional instruction.”
— Jennifer O'Sullivan Lead Coach and Literacy Coordinator Enrico Tonti Elementary School, Chicago, Illinois
"We Leave It Up to Them"
To get students excited about the literacy platform, O’Sullivan prints out certificates of achievement for students at the end of each month. Those who met their goals in terms of units completed and minutes spent on the platform receive the certificates. “They love getting them,” O’Sullivan said.
Teachers decide how they want to break down the learning and implement it within their reading blocks. “We leave it up to them,” she said, “and it’s primarily the reading teachers who take that on.” Some teachers assign Core5 for homework and others build it right into their classroom time. Other teachers set up different stations or centers throughout their classrooms and have students rotate through the literacy platform that way.
“Teachers see the power in Lexia and how they can use it with their students and the useful data that we extract from it,” O’Sullivan said. “Those ‘wins’ go a long way in helping us get buy-in from our teachers for it.”
Students love the platform because it’s so engaging, colorful, and fun to use, and their teachers like it because it generates specific, actionable data about every student who uses it.
“Lexia flags students who are struggling,” O’Sullivan said, “and lets teachers know when it’s time to pull students into a small group or one-on-one session for additional instruction.” Other key benefits of the platform include differentiated instruction that places students at the right level, recognizes learning gaps, and prompts teachers to pool students for the offline “Skill Builders” to help them advance through specific challenges.
“Our teachers absolutely love it,” O’Sullivan said. “After 10 years of using Lexia, we’re all accustomed to being able to look at the data and then use those insights to help inform our instruction.”
The Path to Reading Fluency
During the last few years, Tonti educators have been working to improve how they teach reading to K–5 students. The school has been researching and adopting more of what the science of reading says about how students learn to read. It also switched from balanced literacy to more Structured Literacy.
“Since the foundational skills are at the forefront of a lot of our lessons—and especially in the primary grades—it’s really helped to have Lexia, which covers all of the phonics that students need to learn,” O’Sullivan said. Having that phonetic awareness built into the platform makes life easier for teachers and literacy coaches, and it also places every student exactly where they need to be in the program.
“The platform basically assesses where the students are and where the gaps are that need to be patched,” O’Sullivan said, “so that they can get on the path to becoming fluent readers.”
In fact, Lexia data shows that 80% of Tonti’s Core5 students who started the 2021–2022 SY working below grade level advanced at least one grade level of material.

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