Empowering Words
Using Asset-Based Language to Transform Literacy and Inclusion
The words you choose matter. They help shape individual student experiences, your classroom environment, and how students view themselves and one another.
As schools continue to welcome an increasingly diverse student body, we must recognize and value all students for who they are and the unique experiences they bring.
Inclusive Language
A reflection of our growing diversity
of public school students are Emergent Bilingual students.1
of all public school students attend schools where students of color make up 3/4 of the school population.2
of public school students are eligible for free- or reduced-price lunch.3
of Emergent Bilingual students in public schools received services in English language instruction educational programs.4
What Is Asset-Based Language?
Asset-based language helps students build a growth mindset, encourages resilience, and promotes classroom inclusivity. It is:
Focuses on the potential of people and situations
Puts the person ahead of their characteristics
Descriptors clearly convey what we mean, rather than relying on code words
Envisions what a student, school, or district will look like after goal-oriented change is implemented
Turn Common Deficit Language Into Preferred Asset Language
By using “person-first” language and more clearly communicating your intention, you can easily transform deficit language into asset-based language.
Why is Asset-Based Language So Important?
Our words form our beliefs and inform our conversations with other teachers and students. An asset-based language approach helps you reframe your perceptions as a teacher, especially if you've previously encountered deficit language used to describe students' abilities. Best of all, by communicating appreciation for your students' capabilities, you can inspire them to become successful learners—no matter where they are in their English language acquisition journey.
Asset-based language:
- Celebrates student individuality
- Focuses on student capability and potential
- Supports the whole child
Lexia Takes an Asset-Based Language Approach
We value students and teachers for who they are and what they bring to the classroom. We designed Lexia® English Language Development™ using an asset-based approach to help Emergent Bilinguals reach their academic potential. Lexia English and our other Lexia products include and value all students by incorporating culturally responsive pedagogies and supporting individualized learning paths.
© 2024 Lexia, a Cambium Learning® Group Company